Art has been called the language of the heart. The language of the heart speaks through emotions, which then translates into words, actions, and accomplishments. Art is an inclusive range of human endeavors involving beauty, technical skill, verbal imagination, emotional prowess, or visual imagination. Art usually takes the form of an object used to meditate on something such as a beautiful painting, sculpture, still life, or a jewel. Sometimes an object is displayed simply for the aesthetic effect it portrays.


Artistic ability ranges from the ability to imagine something abstractly, such as an abstract work of art, to the ability to actually create a physical product by means of a physical art product. The word “art” could also refer to a specific type of artistic production. One might refer to contemporary art, postmodern art, visual art, or folk art. Any art that defies categorization is considered art.

Theories concerning the definition of art have divided it into two. The first school of thought regards art as a purely subjective, artistic experience, the definition of which is left up to the observer. The second school of thought, the traditionalist school, treats art as a discipline dedicated to the definition, advancement, and standardization of artistic works. Though there are strong arguments in favor of each side, most modern practitioners of art agree on the reality of art.

According to the traditionalist school, art is defined by a set of rules or a criterion by which the creation of art can be measured and categorized. According to this view, art can be classified into two main streams of contemporary arts, the avant-garde and the traditional. The avant-garde works challenging traditional forms and norms of art and making new shapes and meanings. These works do not conform with the usual accepted rules of art.

The traditionalists on the other hand, defend traditional art forms. They uphold the values and tradition behind the art forms. They believe that art forms were established by people who understood the value and significance of art forms. Some traditionalist artists are Gauguin, Rembrandt, Braque & Grandet and Jules Verne. Rembrandt’s paintings are representative of classic art forms and he is known for his realism.

In modern art, new shapes and forms of art are continually being developed, though some of the classic elements of art like the horizon line, perspective, and focal point are still present in some modern artworks. Modern art also tackles social issues through its depictions of contemporary themes. Examples of these include artworks dealing with issues like politics, pornography, war, sexuality and beauty.

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